Friday, September 12, 2008


Cory is settling down with school, our house is put together and we finally have our BED!!!! It only took about 2 weeks. No more thin and uncomfortable air mattress.

Things are going good in Utah. I miss everyone back home terribly and it is definetely Provo, but the whether is to die for. I quit my job just after one week, and I am now a stay at home mom and am loving it. It's quite different for me and it is more tiring than I ever imagined but it is so worth it. I love being able to play with Bentley all day. I have been cooking dinners and doing things around the house. I just love it. I am looking forward to being home with the new baby when he or she comes and not having only 3 weeks before I have to go to work. I just can't explain my excitment. Sure money will be tight, but that is what being a student is all about.

I will be posting pictures of our little place soon. I just have to have Cory get the camera for me. I have no idea where he put it. Well hope all is well with everyone.


  1. MARCHANT FAMILY said...
    Hey Heather welcome to the stay at home mommy club. I wish we were able to hangout and let the boys play. Jackson sure misses his cousin. It is definetly not the same here with out you guys. we really miss you. So how is the pregnancy going. It will be alot easier on you staying home and being pregnant. You can nap when Bentley naps. it is the greatest. Well we love you guys. and can't wait to see pictures. we love you
    Brooklyn said...
    Yea I am glad you are all settled in! How is Big Bent doing? I miss him SO much, its not the same here without him...Thats so cool you are a stay at home mommy now..I bet Bentley loooooves that. Are you getting homesick yet???
    April Garvin said...
    I am so happy you got out of that dumb job. It will be great to just worry about your great son and having a good pregnancy. I miss you!
    steph j. said...
    Oh good, I'm so glad you guys are doing good and really happy to see up dates on your blog. Now that I'm checking in on your blog I just remembered that I didn't call you back about your blog question...sorry! When do you think your next visit will be?
    The Foster Family said...
    Wait- did I know you were pregnant? That;s what you said in your last post right? Give me the scoop cuz I'm out of the loop on this one!

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